Table below displays day and time results was last updated.   Screen updated: on the 28 at 4:29

Colour code for last updates:     Last 5 mins         Last 15 mins         Last 25 mins         Last 35 mins         Last 60mins  

Series Group Sers Scores R 1 R 2 R 3 R 4 R 5 R 6 R 7 R 8 R 9
Open OD 13@14:25 11@15:34 11@16:16 11@16:59 12@11:53 12@15:47 12@17:16 13@11:36 13@14:25 13@14:25
Intermediate OD 13@15:18 11@15:35 11@16:17 11@17:43 12@12:13 12@17:20 12@16:45 13@11:36 13@12:33 13@15:18
Green Fleet OD 13@11:52 11@14:42 11@15:11 11@15:47 12@11:50 13@11:02 13@11:38 13@11:52