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JJ Jarold Trophy Race

Hosted By Sandringham Yacht Club

Race 2   (14/01/2023)  PROVISIONAL RESULTS

Updated:  16/01/2023  13:44:09

Division 1 AMS results Start : 14:33
Place Sail Num Boat Name Skipper Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T Score
1 SM6737 XPRESSO Ari Abrahams 15:29:09 56:09 0.891 50:02 1.0
2 SM4 WICKED Mike And Mark Welsh 15:26:01 53:01 0.957 50:44 2.0
3 SM007 VELOCE Phil Simpfendorfer 15:26:09 53:09 0.965 51:17 3.0
4 SM477 ESPRIT Garry Anderson 15:28:25 55:25 0.935 51:49 4.0
5 AUS31 PP1 Damian Thomas 15:25:22 52:22 0.992 51:57 5.0
6 SM0043 VIXEN I Christine Matheou-Fox 15:31:32 58:32 0.893 52:16 6.0
7 SM13 SCARLET RUNNER Rob Date 15:21:43 48:43 1.081 52:40 7.0
8 SM6115 CHAINSAW Andrew Mollison 15:28:36 55:36 0.952 52:56 8.0
9 SM4040 BANDIT Ashley Trebilcock 15:28:27 55:27 0.958 53:07 9.0

Division 2 AMS results Start : 14:38
Place Sail Num Boat Name Skipper Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T Score
1 SM8521 CARBINE Peter Williams Matt Turner 15:27:11 49:11 0.804 39:33 1.0
2 SM6142 WATERMARKII D Suda / H Landes 15:27:12 49:12 0.805 39:36 2.0
3 SM178 ALIBI Dennis Hambleton 15:26:14 48:14 0.888 42:50 3.0
4 SM0369 PEGASUS Andrew Lynch 15:25:34 47:34 0.908 43:11 4.0
5 SM600 FUN AND GAMES Alan Edwards 15:28:00 50:00 0.872 43:36 5.0
6 SM63 SURPRISE James Russell / Ralph White 15:27:26 49:26 0.889 43:57 6.0
7 SM5558 YOUNG ONES Ian Miller 15:27:05 49:05 0.899 44:08 7.0
8 SM441 YOUNG BEARS Graeme Matthews 15:32:56 54:56 0.804 44:10 8.0
9 SM6222 FOGGY DEW Robert Darcy 15:34:53 56:53 0.900 51:12 9.0

Results by : TopYacht

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