73rd Adelaide to Port Lincoln Yacht Race Monohulls
Hosted By Port Lincoln Yacht Club
Race 1   (17/02/2023) 
Updated: 18/02/2023 19:23:05
Place | Boat Name | Sail No | Skipper | From | Class | Fin Tim | Elapsd | AHC | Cor'd T | BCH | Score |
1 | SINTARA | YC110S | Derek Morrison | CYCSA | D1 | 01:11:46:26 | 20:46:26 | 0.976 | 20:16:31 | 1.029 | 1.0 |
2 | BACARDI | SM377 | Brett Averay | SYC | D2 | 01:13:53:56 | 22:53:56 | 0.891 | 20:24:10 | 0.933 | 2.0 |
3 | SMUGGLER | 6952 | Sebastian Bohm | CYCA | D1 | 01:07:12:43 | 16:12:43 | 1.273 | 20:38:16 | 1.318 | 3.0 |
4 | GAME ON 2 | YC384 | Julian Newton | CYCSA | D1 | 01:10:02:38 | 19:02:38 | 1.098 | 20:54:37 | 1.122 | 4.0 |
5 | 3 COOL CATS | R41 | Scott Mutton | RSAYS | D1 | 01:12:14:28 | 21:14:28 | 0.990 | 21:01:43 | 1.006 | 5.0 |
6 | REVERIE | B26 | Alan Woodward | RBYC | D1 | 01:12:02:41 | 21:02:41 | 1.002 | 21:05:12 | 1.015 | 6.0 |
7 | FRESH | L7 | Andy Dyer | PLYC | D1 | 01:11:29:12 | 20:29:12 | 1.042 | 21:20:50 | 1.043 | 7.0 |
8 | PAPILLON | 6841 | Barbara Parker Jim Gordon | RSAYS | D2 | 01:13:37:42 | 22:37:42 | 0.944 | 21:21:40 | 0.944 | 8.0 |
9 | SHINING SEA | YC4200 | Andrew Corletto | CYCSA | D1 | 01:09:55:34 | 18:55:34 | 1.129 | 21:22:03 | 1.129 | 9.0 |
10 | FASTER FORWARD | R6155 | Matt Fahey | RYCV | D2 | 01:13:34:56 | 22:34:56 | 0.952 | 21:29:54 | 0.946 | 10.0 |
11 | QUEST | 52002 | Craig Neil | CYCA | D1 | 01:07:42:53 | 16:42:53 | 1.288 | 21:31:43 | 1.278 | 11.0 |
12 | AUDACIOUS | SA332 | Stuart Johnson | RSAYS | D2 | 01:13:15:52 | 22:15:52 | 0.971 | 21:37:08 | 0.960 | 12.0 |
13 | JUMPIN JACK FLASH | SA194 | Paul Henshall | RSAYS | D2 | 01:15:28:25 | 01:00:28:25 | 0.889 | 21:45:25 | 0.873 | 13.0 |
14 | BLACK BUTTERFLY | SA585S | Jay Brown | RSAYS | D1 | 01:12:55:26 | 21:55:26 | 0.993 | 21:46:14 | 0.975 | 14.0 |
15 | CLOCKWORK | SA3838 | Andrew Lloyd & Mary Ann Harvey | CYCSA | D2 | 01:14:10:50 | 23:10:50 | 0.958 | 22:12:25 | 0.922 | 15.0 |
16 | MAGIC | 36111 | Mike Holmes | CYCSA | D2 | 01:15:10:13 | 01:00:10:13 | 0.930 | 22:28:42 | 0.884 | 16.0 |
17 | INUKSHUK | SA982 | Robert Large | RSAYS | D2 | 01:18:09:33 | 01:03:09:33 | 0.840 | 22:48:49 | 0.787 | 17.0 |
18 | LINCOLN MENTOR | L1 | Brad Dennis / Matt Stephens | PLYC | D2 | 01:17:50:34 | 01:02:50:34 | 0.851 | 22:50:36 | 0.796 | 18.0 |
19 | BORN TO MENTOR | L53 | Simon Turvey | PLYC | D2 | 01:18:09:23 | 01:03:09:23 | 0.849 | 23:03:21 | 0.787 | 19.0 |
20 | KINETIC ENERGY | YC360 | Andy Shipp | CYCSA | D2 | 01:17:35:19 | 01:02:35:19 | 0.894 | 23:46:13 | 0.804 | 20.0 |
21 | NERANA | SA44 | Christopher Perry | RSAYS | D2 | 01:18:46:54 | 01:03:46:54 | 0.906 | 01:01:10:13 | 0.769 | 21.0 |