F15 Championship Series
Hosted By South of Perth YC
Race 9   (10/03/2018) 
Updated: 11/03/2018 15:21:32
Place | Sail No | Boat Name | Skipper | CREW | ETOrd | Fin Tim | Elapsd | AHC | Cor'd T | Score | Class |
1 | 3800 | SALTHEART | Mark Gooding | Michael Gooding | 7 | 14:25:30 | 51:30 | 0.661 | 34:02 | 1.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
2 | 3057 | FFOENIX | John Lyus | Richard Warren | 11 | 14:26:22 | 52:22 | 0.651 | 34:05 | 2.0 | Flyingfifteensilver |
3 | 3475 | ENUFF ROPE | Greg Howell | Leanne Howell | 14 | 14:27:58 | 53:58 | 0.638 | 34:26 | 3.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
4 | 3879 | AUSSIE WAY | Neil White | Kim Peaker | 9 | 14:26:11 | 52:11 | 0.662 | 34:33 | 4.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
5 | 3609 | ELECTRIFFLYING DIAMO | Richard Blaquiere | Gordon Cook | 15 | 14:28:58 | 54:58 | 0.634 | 34:51 | 5.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
6 | 3991 | FFANCY CLASSIQUE | John Midolo | Gordon Roe | 13 | 14:27:40 | 53:40 | 0.651 | 34:56 | 6.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
7 | 3984 | FAFFIN | Carl Pettersson | Kristine Pettersson | 8 | 14:25:34 | 51:34 | 0.678 | 34:58 | 7.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
8 | 3833 | NO BULL | Tim Bussemaker | Kevin Griffiths | 10 | 14:26:13 | 52:13 | 0.671 | 35:02 | 8.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
9 | 3987 | FOLLOW US | Tim Walker | Alan Sharpe | 2 | 14:24:31 | 50:31 | 0.694 | 35:04 | 9.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
10 | 3855 | FFLASHPOINT | Peter Rooke | Martin Arrowsmith | 3 | 14:24:47 | 50:47 | 0.694 | 35:15 | 10.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
11 | 3935 | SHEWHOMUSTBEOBEYED | John Hassen | Tony Finch | 6 | 14:25:25 | 51:25 | 0.686 | 35:16 | 11.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
12 | 3928 | SWIFFT | Phil Lammonby | Phil Lammonby | 12 | 14:27:33 | 53:33 | 0.662 | 35:27 | 12.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
13 | 3822 | A-SQUARED | Andrew Knowles | Anne Knowles | 5 | 14:25:13 | 51:13 | 0.706 | 36:10 | 13.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
14 | 3989 | FFASTLANE4 | John Wilson | Matthew Summers | 4 | 14:24:55 | 50:55 | 0.711 | 36:12 | 14.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
15 | 3986 | INEFFABLE | Nick Jerwood | Enfys Jerwood | 1 | 14:23:51 | 49:51 | 0.746 | 37:11 | 15.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |
OCS | 3743 | SPOT THE DIFFERENCE | Greg Tonnison | Graeme Lillingston |   |   |   | 0.713 |   | 17.0 | Flyingfifteenopen |