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Multiple Race Series 2016

Hosted By South of Perth YC

Race 15   (18/12/2016) 

Updated:  8/01/2017  13:00:03

125 results Start : 15:03
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 3084 SKY DRIVE Scott Fallows 1 15:24:24 21:24 0.997 21:20 0.997 1.001 1.0 Grant Box

Laser results Start : 15:06
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 210501 FR8 TRAIN David Whait 1 15:24:10 18:10 0.984 17:53 1.009 0.986 1.0
2 210497 WIND BREAKER Jerome Pabbruwe 2 15:25:17 19:17 0.928 17:54 0.951 0.925 2.0
3 199087 LIZARD DRINKING Geert Buters 4 15:27:08 21:08 0.877 18:32 0.868 0.873 3.0
4 210490 LAYBACK David Glover 3 15:26:55 20:55 0.910 19:02 0.876 0.907 4.0

Laser4.7 results Start : 15:06
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 38 VERY NICE Oliver Pabbruwe 1 15:24:55 18:55 1.066 20:10 1.108 1.089 1.0
2 39 CRYSTAL CLEAR Caitlin Shaw 3 15:27:17 21:17 0.991 21:06 0.985 0.997 2.0
3 210187 TBA Michael Compton 2 15:27:03 21:03 1.027 21:37 0.996 1.041 3.0

LaserRadial results Start : 15:06
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 043 BADFACE Bruce Utting 3 15:24:28 18:28 0.919 16:58 0.979 0.924 1.0
2 202882 SCUD Bradley Utting 1 15:23:45 17:45 1.003 17:48 1.019 1.008 2.0
3 210200 THE NUKE Zac Littlewood 2 15:24:24 18:24 1.008 18:33 0.983 1.007 3.0
4 210491 LONGREACH Lewis Arndt 6 15:26:02 20:02 0.949 19:01 0.903 0.925 4.0
5 177783 LEMON Alec Cochrane 8 15:27:50 21:50 0.893 19:30 0.828 0.863 5.0
6 202591 DR X David Luketina 4 15:24:46 18:46 1.052 19:45 0.964 1.027 6.0
7 8169 ARGO Hayden Coote 5 15:25:38 19:38 1.047 20:33 0.921 1.047 7.0
8 20285 JUST SAILIN Liam Pabbruwe 7 15:26:05 20:05 1.031 20:42 0.900 1.006 8.0

Results by : TopYacht Software

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