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Multiple Race Series 2016

Hosted By South of Perth YC

Race 6   (9/10/2016) 

Updated:  23/11/2016  19:14:42

125 PHS results Start : 15:38
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 3182 WHAT EVA! Heather Brand 1 16:00:19 22:19 1.051 23:27 1.277 1.038 1.0 Douglas Khoo
2 3194 BLACK MAGIC Simon Stone 2 16:08:56 30:56 1.085 33:34 0.921 1.051 2.0 Mitch Stone

Laser PHS results Start : 15:35
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 181695 SLIDE RULES Michael Coote 6 15:57:34 22:34 0.921 20:47 0.939 0.958 1.0
2 202882 SCUD Bradley Utting 2 15:57:08 22:08 0.957 21:11 0.957 0.948 2.0
3 210497 WIND BREAKER Jerome Pabbruwe 4 15:57:13 22:13 0.959 21:18 0.953 1.000 3.0
4 210501 FR8 TRAIN David Whait 1 15:56:20 21:20 1.006 21:28 0.993 1.005 4.0
5 190340 BADFACE Bruce Utting 3 15:57:11 22:11 0.983 21:48 0.955 0.974 5.0
6 210490 LAYBACK David Glover 7 15:58:24 23:24 0.941 22:01 0.905 0.922 6.0
7 210492 RHONDA Anthony Wood 5 15:57:21 22:21 0.989 22:06 0.948 0.978 7.0
8 194958 THE STIG Matt Lingard 8 15:58:28 23:28 0.962 22:34 0.903 1.000 8.0

Laser4.7 PHS results Start : 15:32
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 38 VERY NICE Oliver Pabbruwe 1 15:54:42 22:42 1.041 23:38 1.118 1.066 1.0
2 204568 RIPPA Burke Brown 3 15:58:45 26:45 0.920 24:37 0.949 0.952 2.0
3 210187 TBA Michael Compton 2 15:56:41 24:41 1.037 25:36 1.028 1.048 3.0
4 39 CRYSTAL CLEAR Caitlin Shaw 4 16:02:05 30:05 0.921 27:42 0.844 0.967 4.0

LaserRadial PHS results Start : 15:32
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 202591 DR X David Luketina 1 15:53:57 21:57 1.018 22:21 1.070 1.029 1.0
2 210491 LONGREACH Lewis Arndt 2 15:55:02 23:02 0.976 22:29 1.020 1.008 2.0
3 172248 JUST SAILIN Liam Pabbruwe 3 15:55:25 23:25 0.973 22:47 1.003 1.002 3.0
4 154844 X-WIND II Thomas Graef 4 15:59:13 27:13 0.966 26:18 0.863 0.939 4.0

Minnow PHS results Start : 15:26
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 1216 WHITEWASH Josh Robinson 1 15:53:30 27:30 0.993 27:18 1.165 1.000 1.0
2 1221 ORCA Drina Bucktin 2 15:55:51 29:51 0.994 29:40 1.074 1.000 2.0
3 1158 DEVIL IN DISGUISE Ethany Bates 3 15:58:43 32:43 1.004 32:51 0.980 1.000 3.0
4 1188 KALARI Philip Goswell 4 16:04:22 38:22 1.000 38:22 0.835 0.967 4.0

Optimist PHS results Start : 15:23
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 456 LIGHTNING Aaron Teo 1 15:48:28 25:28 1.005 25:36 1.009 1.015 1.0
2 1520 WINGS Stefan Elliott-Shirc 2 15:48:43 25:43 1.004 25:49 0.999 1.035 2.0

Pelican PHS results Start : 15:20
Place Sail No Boat Name Skipper ETOrd Fin Tim Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH CHC Score CREW
1 659 SEAKING Aiden Duthie 1 15:45:06 25:06 1.158 29:04 1.183 1.158 1.0 Hayden Lewis
2 654 LEXINGTON Anton Van Mierlo 3 15:50:26 30:26 0.959 29:11 0.975 1.000 2.0 Georgette Keating
3 611 SEAS THE DAY Teyah Duthie 2 15:49:01 29:01 1.061 30:47 1.023 1.095 3.0 Renee Keating

Results by : TopYacht Software

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