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Victorian Trailable Yacht & Sports Boat Championships

Hosted By Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron

Race 4   (28/02/2016) 

Updated:  28/02/2016  13:59:05

Victorian Trailable Yacht and Sports Boat Championships Race 4

PHS Div 3 results Start : 10:40
Place Sail No Boat Name Elapsd AHC Cor'd T BCH Skipper Class Score Fin Tim
1 187 JAFFA 23:38 0.640 15:08 0.717 B Brown D3 1.0 11:03:38
2 115 SWALLOW 29:07 0.580 16:53 0.582 S Burke D3 2.0 11:09:07
3 263 SALTPETRE 28:13 0.600 16:56 0.600 P Shepard D3 3.0 11:08:13
4 3078 NARTANDA 25:49 0.685 17:41 0.656 J Mahoney D3 4.0 11:05:49
5 24 TARQUIN 29:51 0.610 18:12 0.567 C Theodore D3 5.0 11:09:51
6 UY18 LAROS 31:09 0.600 18:41 0.544 L Hatfield D3 6.0 11:11:09

Results by : TopYacht Software

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