Notice Board - Audi Hamilton Island Race Week 2014
Notice To Competitors No.5 Friday 22/08/2014
Amendment to Sailing Instructions No.5
Amend the starting area for the following classes.
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Notice To Competitors No.4 Tuesday 19/08/2014
Amendment to Sailing Instructions No.4
Add new course 26
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Notice To Competitors No.3
Amendment to Sailing Instructions No.3
Windward / Leeward Courses
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Notice To Competitors No.2
Amendment to Sailing Instructions No.2
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Notice To Competitors No.1
Due to low entry numbers, IRC Racing Class and IRC Passage Class will be combined into IRC Class.
Delete IRC Racing
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Sailing Instructions
1. Rules
1.1 The regatta will be governed by the rules as defined in
the Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS)
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Schedule of Events
Friday 15th Aug All Classes Registration::1300 hrs to 1700 hrs.
Saturday 16th Aug All Classes Registration::1000 hrs to 1700 hrs.
Sunday 17th Aug All Classes Short Around-the-Islands race
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Race Classes
This page is an overview of the different classes available for Race Week 2014 - it is not
part of the Notice of Race and is only intended as a guide about the differences between
the classes.
Basically, there are four classes for racing boats (IRC, One Design, Performance Racing
and Racing Multihulls), and four classes for the not-so-flat-out racers and cruising boats
(IRC Passage, Cruising, Non-spinnaker and Cruising Multihulls).
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Notice of Race 2014
1. Invitation
The Hamilton Island Yacht Club Inc (HIYC), as the organising authority, invites entries from
owners and charterers of suitable boats to race on the waters of the Whitsunday Passage
and surrounding waters between 17th August and 23rd August 2014.
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